Banco La Hipotecaria, S.A. is a regulated banking institution domiciled in the Republic of Panama with operating subsidiaries in El Salvador and Colombia.

Banco La Hipotecaria is the only regional financial institution dedicated exclusively to the origination and servicing of residential mortgage loans, with a proven ability to securitize its mortgages when the need arises, in order to mitigate liability maturity mismatches or to meet the general funding needs of the institution.

We are committed to providing a full array of performance data on our mortgage-loan and personal-loan portfolios so that our international investors, creditors and rating agencies can thoroughly assess the performance of assets originated and serviced by La Hipotecaria.

Information is provided on all loans originated and serviced by La Hipotecaria, regardless of whether loans are held as assets on the firm’s balance sheet or have been securitized. Loans may be segregated using “Loan Portfilio Codes” in the Data Tape in order to view groups of assets pledged as security to particular lending institutions or the assets of a particular securitization. Specific performance information for individual securitizations is also available in the section “MBS Issues”.

Should you require any help in using this section or interpreting any of the data, or should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.


John Rauschkolb

Operating Companies’ Website

If you would like more information on the mortgage origination activities of our operating subsidiaries, you may access the respective website of each country. In addition, you will find information regarding time deposits and other investment products issued in the local markets by each respective company. (These options are only available in Spanish.)